Get ready for some changes when confronted with the UK credit card market come july 1st. Several major credit card companies have announced changes within their best deals on balance transfer charge cards or lowered their typical rate on the most popular products. But, warns work for Fair Trade, it's important that consumers keep their eye about the fine print. Like the old stating goes, they give with one hand and take using the other. Take Virgin Money. They announced with great fanfare at the start of this month that they had been extending their 0% balance transfer charge cards deal from 9 months to 12 several weeks, making it the longest 0% stability transfer period among UK credit purveyors. They haven't been quite as loud in trumpeting additional changes, though - like the proven fact that they've shortened their 0% introductory price on new purchases, and increased their balance transfer fee for an uncapped 2% of the transferred stability. Still, the Virgin Money 0% b
alance transfer card is among the best deals on offer currently. The Halifax One card is another from the balance transfer credit cards that's gone through some changes. The new offering is actually 0% interest on balance transfers AS WELL AS new purchases for 9 full several weeks, but the Halifax hasn't stopped presently there. They've also dropped their standard ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATES from 15. 9% to 9. 9% - mostly of the single digit typical APRs in the united kingdom. On the other hand, they've increased their balance transfer fee for an uncapped 3% - the highest fee on the market. The changes at Virgin Money and also the Halifax aren't the only ones. Numerous old standbys have raised their APRs, moving them to the higher end of credit card offers. Those include Lloyds TSB, American Convey and Nationwide building society. Meanwhile, American Express has completely withdrawn its balance transfer offers to new clients. They still offer the leading life-of-balance transfer
charge cards offer, but it's no longer open to new customers. All this means when you're considering doing some shuffling of charge card balances, now is a good time for you to be looking at the offerings about the plate to compare balance transfer charge cards. Outside the major 0% balance transfer charge cards, there are as many as forty different balance transfer credit cards on offer in the united kingdom. The 'life of balance' rates are noticed by many as the best choices. Those cards offer APRs of four. 95% to 6% on balance transfers before balance transfer is completely paid away. The leaders of the pack within the life of balance transfer credit credit cards are Intelligent Finance, at 4. 95%, NatWest from 5. 8% and GE Money from 5. 9%. Still, the 0% balance transfer credit credit cards may be your best deal provided they last, especially if you will pay off the entire debt during the actual introductory period. Virgin Money, with their own twelve month offer, just m
ay permit you to do that. You can compare balance transfer credit cards along with other deals at comparison websites, where you'll find best wishes deals on offer in the UNITED KINGDOM.

Jon Francis has been involved with various areas with the world of finance and it has a keen eye for a bargin! He's an in-depth knowledge of the credit card UK market and today helps others get the best from the credit card. To learn more visit moneyeverything. com.

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