Credit card debt is one, if not the main type of personal debts there is actually. Some people try to blame the credit card issuers, others, their high-maintenance wife or sweetheart. Some may point out that they've been unemployed for the last three months because of work lay-offs or a debilitating illness. After going through the denial phase, people who are in serious credit debt must admit their problem and look for a solution. Some people however rush out to possess their debt consolidated. Others turn to more drastic measures for example filing for bankruptcy. However, they neglect to realize that this debt solution might be death traps. Debt consolidation may help however it doesn't solve the root cause from the problem. Declaring yourself bankrupt could result in a very bad credit rating. This status will remain in your records for 10 many years, disabling you from applying for charge cards, mortgages, loans and in some instances, will disqualify you from getting part
icular jobs. So don't be hasty. A good thing to do is get your charge card statements, all of them, from the most current to 2 to 3 years back. If you've already tossed them away, you can request copies out of your credit card company. Some of them have online systems which you'll view and print. Look over your statements and find out if there are items that are not yours. If you are not acquainted with these billings, you can dispute it together with your credit card company. Who knows, you may even be a victim of charge card fraud. Some cardholders who are too busy to examine their statements may find a regular monthly billing for any service they did not subscribe to or cancelled very long time ago. Call the merchant and your charge card company immediately to correct this. Merchants often refund you if their records show you have cancelled on time but billed a person incorrectly. If you have a good credit rating and have been a cardholder using the same company for years
now, it's high time you call all of them and negotiate for a lower apr (APR) on your credit card. Probably, they would grant your request. Check all of your credit cards and determine which has got the highest interest rate and the cheapest. A great idea is to focus all of your payments on the credit card using the highest interest rate until you complete it off. After that, move to the next and so on and therefore forth. With this method, you could stop the spiraling interest charges about the credit card with the highest ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATES. Follow this simple debt solution and you'll be on the way to debt freedom.

Find more debt solutions for credit debt at debtsolution-strategies. com

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