While the constant junk mail from the credit card issuers may seem like little more than the usual nuisance, there's plenty of good reasons to stop the solicitations and opt out of having credit greeting card offers. So let's take a look at why you need to bother getting yourself off the charge card junk mail merry-go-round. 1. Help prevent Identity theftA lot of folks just throw all their junk mail in the trash the moment they empty their mailbox. This is okay for the supermarket coupons you get every week, but it really isn't a wise decision to just throw out credit greeting card solicitations. You're best off running them via a shredder as this will prevent somebody from rifling through your trash and trying to get credit cards in your name. Obviously, the best protection is to stop the flow of spam and get opted out. Then you will not have to worry about shredding mail you didn't even ask to become sent. 2. Cut down on OverspendingIf you are some of those people who is pr
one to overextending yourself with charge cards, new offers in the mail every single day aren't going to really help you stay strong and prevent spending. The best thing to do is grab yourself off the lists and then the temptation to use for yet another credit card is going to be markedly reduced. 3. First step to fixing your creditIf you've just gotten copies of the credit bureau reports and you plan on starting the process of having your credit files and history cleaned upward with Experian, Transunion and Equifax, it's a very good idea to make opting out the first thing. It won't do anything to your credit file immmediately, but it may help with your own disputes and will keep at least a few of the collection agencies at bay if you believe a few might come hounding when you start stirring up some new activity in your reports. So these are just a few reasons for opting out of obtaining credit card offers and because it is now the law that you need to be able to opt out ver
y easily, it is pretty easy to get it looked after. Once you've completed the process, it'll usually take several weeks as every company updates their information on you, but eventually the junk mail will decelerate and then stop.

Be sure to go to Opt Out of Credit Card Offers to find out what you ought to do to stop the deluge of spam. And once you've opted out, it's also wise to get your own free annual credit reports. It's the initial step to making sure your credit background is accurate and you'll need it to be able to combat any credit problems.

View this post on my blog: http://creditcard.valuegov.com/why-you-should-opt-out-of-credit-card-offers/

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