You may have many dreams when you start your independent life. Your own credit card is one of these. Getting your first credit card is really a major step in financial independence.   It is necessary that your first steps be strong and successful.   o Banks first look at credit rating when determining if they will issue you credit cards.   You will want to check your personal credit record before applying for your first charge card.   That way you can clean it up if you will find any mistakes.   If you don't have any credit history, don't worry; this is the first card. o You should possess a savings and checking account at your own bank.   This is seen because sound financial status.   It can help with your application process. o Approach your bank for any card before you approach anyone otherwise.   Your bank knows you.   Because you probably have established no or hardly any credit history, your own bank is the greatest place to
start. o Don't utilize with numerous sources.   Every time you make an application for credit, credit-reporting agencies take note and post it in your credit report.   Too many applications at a variety of places will seriously harm your credit history. o Know what fees you are now being charged.   Many fees, fees for payday loans, late payment fees and annual costs, are standard to cards.   Nevertheless, you should know these fees and that they will affect you.   You should avoid charge cards with membership fees, if possible. o In case your bank refuses your card application, find out why and you skill to correct or improve upon the problem.   Often, when a person is turned down for their first card for the reason that they have no established credit background. You can establish a credit history by showing bills paid in your name and, usually, by obtaining a department store or gasoline retailer charge card.   These cards have lower stan
dards and therefore are usually easier to get than a conventional card.   Lastly, you can obtain a secured credit card, which is guaranteed with a savings or checking account.   This isn't a prepaid card since you don't "load" the card with your down payment funds.   The secured card is like a traditional card; only it is secured or "vouched for" because of your funds with the bank.   After six months to a 12 months of clear and regular payments on these cards, you should have little trouble being granted your first traditional charge card.               After just about all, it is your first jump within the deep waters of financial challenges!

You begin facing financial challenges that you experienced from your first application for credit cards. And you don't want to end up being rejected. Is it an easy job? How to face it? Chintamani Abhyankar supplies a friendly guidance. Chintamani Abhyankar, is an expert in neuro-scientific finance and taxation for last twenty five years. He has written many books explaining inside secrets from the magic world of finance. His well-known eBook Stop donating your hard earned money to IRS which is now operating in its second edition, provides intricate knowledge and tips about personal finance.

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