Moving to another country can be an incredibly exciting but often daunting time. Not just do you leave friends and family behind but you also have to make adjustments to how you go about achieving everyday tasks for example shopping and paying bills, which were previously completed trouble free. The first thing you might notice after investigating all the beautiful Aussie beaches obviously, is that Australia does not appear to have caught onto buying online or over the phone the easiest way. As a new resident, don't be surprised if you're somewhat confused and frustrated to discover that you could no longer use your debit card to create purchases, bookings and bill payments. Instead you'll need a credit card to do most of these things. When it involves finding a new credit card, and then be turned away because you're the temporary/non-resident category, the temperature certainly starts to rise and not simply the one displayed on the mercury. Taking several steps back, it's im
portant to consider the history of Australian finance and why things are how they are. Australia's banking environment was deregulated in 1980's which resulted in an infinitely more competitive environment and a better deal for that borrower. This is great news for residents and non-residents alike since it means more variety of products and lenders to select from. Good news so far, we listen to you say. So how does a temporary or even non-resident go about applying for credit cards? If you shop around, there are actually numerous lenders who are willing to issue charge cards to non residents and temporary people, obviously subject to certain approval requirements. The ANZ  Credit Card is one of these credit cards that is open to both residents and non residents of Australia who're over 18yrs of age and possess a good credit rating. Generally speaking, a permanent Australian resident takes a minimum annual salary of $15, 000 and non-Australians/temporary residents requi
re a typical minimum salary of $50, 000+. That's the unfortunate catch. You will be often best served to submit your web application, and expect a referral note to be passed on if you do not often meet the salary requirement requirements. The bank/vendor will then get in contact to discuss your circumstances and advise you if you're able to still apply. Other lenders who consider offering charge cards to non residents include: - ANZ -- min earn $50, 000- Amex -- 457 visa (current temp business lengthy stay visa)- Aussie - min generate $50, 000- CBA - Current Australian visitor's visaAmerican Express currently accepts residents who're on a 457 visa. This is really a temporary business long stay visa, as usually sponsored by an employer to grant you the best to work and reside in Australia on the temporary basis. If you are on the 457 visa, then perhaps an American Express credit card may be suitable to your requirements and circumstances. As the Amex fine print displays that
you could apply for any card out of the range if you meet the 457 visa requirements for non-residents and additional meet the general income earnings requirements. Aussie Mastercard is another credit card that enables temporary/non-permanent residents to apply for their charge card if you earn $50, 000 as well as above their specified income threshold. Aussie currently provides a fantastic deal with the Aussie Master card, introducing a low rate and yearly fee. Commonwealth Bank currently accepts according to their conditions and terms fine print Australian visitor visas. For those who have a current Australian visitors visa and meet all the other identified accept criteria, then you can obtain a credit card with Commonwealth Bank.

The Charge card King - http: //www. creditcardking. com. au

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