Have the credit card company pay your bill - This isn't as crazy as it sounds. Call your credit card company up and keep these things forgive late payments and/or interest prices. Ask for the world and you may just get it. Sale everything - Okay not the clothes off your back. I am sure many of us would rather not see that. Browse around you, there are things you have not used in years that you could sell. Have a yard sale, purchase on ebay, craigslist, amazon or overstock. Sell/Trade Ad Space - Sell ad space you car. City buses and even police cars can sell ads on their cars. Why not enter on the action!!! Autowraps. com as well as freecarmedia. com pay as much as $400 monthly for an ad on your vehicle. If you qualify at freecarmedia. com, you may be given a new car already wrapped within an ad to use for 2 many years. You can also negotiate with your organization to have its logo put in your car in exchange for gas cash. That way you can save your hard earned money to pay do
wn your bills. If you reside on a busy street, consider selling some yard space so long as the neighbors do not mind. You are able to call up window installing companies, protection companies, and others and ask if they wish to put their sign in your yard for any fee. I actually use this solution to negotiate down prices when I get work done about the house. Bake Cookies - Before a person laugh this suggestion away, just note that we now have many laughing all the way towards the bank implementing this idea. Ask Billy Baldwin founder of Ny City-based mail order cookie company Dessert Island. If you are in college what better method to make money than to make and sell cookies towards the thousands of hungry mouths wandering campus. Type/Proofread papers - If you're able to type and you are good within the languages, use that skill. Graduate college students, law students, business students and other people need their documents (dissertations, thesis) tapped out up and proofre
ad. A lot may not have the time to get this done or just may not know how you can type especially fast enough to fulfill deadlines. Offer them your skill at a reasonable rate.

For more ideas, go to http: //www. explainmycreditcard. comAn online charge card resource site that provides information on charge cards, debt, creative ways to make money and much more.

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