If you are annoyed by the actual constant credit card junk mail you get, then you are not alone. People from coast to coast are receiving literally dozens of charge cards offers every year, most of that are misleading or not applicable to all of them. If you want to know how to approach these credit card mail offers, then here are a few tips. Why get so many? Whether or not you've got a lot of credit cards, you get sent a lot of offers because of your specific credit score. Whether you have a good or bad credit score depends upon the types of provides you with get, but whatever your rating you are a target for credit card issuers to be sent offers. Some people will receive nearly 10 of those offers every month, many of all of them duplicates. Bait and switchAlthough some from the credit card offers you receive might seem tempting, they usually not really what they seem. Most of these offers employ the technique referred to as 'bait and switch'. This is where you'll be offered
a great deal in the mail for example ' you are pre-approved for credit cards with up to £ 25, 000 limit', but whenever you fill in the paperwork and send it back you simply get £ 1, 000 at a remarkably high interest rate. This is not illegal because these people only said 'up to' a limit and thus even if they had refused you it would not be unlawful. This technique may not be illegal however it is clearly immoral. This is one reason why you need to avoid such offers. Opting outAlthough it isn't the easiest move to make, you can attempt to opt from receiving these mail offers. There are companies that you can apply to that will help to be removed from these e-mail lists, although you are still bound to get some offers. You can always try calling the actual credit companies themselves and asking these phones stop sending you mail, although this particular usually falls on deaf ears. Keeping your identity safeEven if you do not want to look at any from the offers y
ou get through the publish, it is important that you properly get rid of the offers you get. If you merely throw the offers in the rubbish bin, then someone could take them and apply to the cards you've decided not to look at. Before you know it you have access to a bill in the post for a lot of money for a card you didn't even make an application for. Make sure you shred or tear up all charge card mail offers to protect yourself through identity theft. Don't dismiss them allAlthough many of these offers will not be worth taking a look at, you shouldn't simply throw them all within the bin. There really are some genuinely good deals available from credit card mail offers. This is also true if they are from a company that you've a card with, as they might provide you with preferential terms. If you are careful with charge card mail offers and can separate the great from the bad then they'll be a benefit to you rather than the usual constant annoyance.

Peter Kenny is really a writer for creditcards-gb. co. uk Please check us out at Compare Credit Cards [http://www.creditcards-gb.co.uk] as well as 0% Balance Transfers Visit [http://www.creditcards-gb.co.uk].

View this post on my blog: http://creditcard.valuegov.com/how-to-deal-with-credit-card-mail-offers/

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